Apply for EMP under SIP Prihatin:
1. Make your application for SIP benefits via https://eis.perkeso.gov.my within 60 days from your loss of employment (LOE), including VSS, MSS. The program only covers employees who have suffered (LOE) from 01/07/2020 to 31/12/2021.
2. While for the 2nd month application to the 9th month application (for those who are eligible), the applicant must log in using the registration ID (given after the first application) on a monthly basis through the same link under the heading 'Forms'. Please select Form EMP.
3. Employees can apply for each EMP claim after participating in the Re -Employment Search Program (REPP) within 30 days from the date of the previous EMP approval.
4. If the employee has returned to work and reported while receiving EMP benefits, the employee must complete the EBSA Form to obtain an early re -employment allowance.
5. Select individual upskilling and reskilling training program from over 5000 available courses via https://eis.perkeso.gov.my This program is fully subsidy by EIS and you can apply for daily allowance upon completion of the program.
Grant Target Recipients
The EIS Upskilling & Reskilling initiatives is targeting several groups of EIS benefits recipients of which Growth Pulse is supporting 2 main ones.

— Specially designed for
“All Marketing & Sales Personnel, Support Staff, eCommerce Staff & anyone who wish to sharpen their skills in eCommerce Marketplace.”

“All level of workers especially those involve in the operation site of the company, and anyone who wish to enhance their safety knowledge in workplace post covid-19.”
— Specially designed for

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