We are now in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, aka Industry 4.0, which refers to the combination of several major innovations in digital technology that are poised to transform the energy and manufacturing sectors. From advanced robotics and machine learning to software-as-a-service and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), these changes enable a powerful new way of organizing global operations.
Industry 4.0 technologies are evolving fast, helping businesses to become 'smart' and more efficient. To remain competitive, companies should look to embrace - or at least acknowledge - these changes.But how should executives lead this change within their own organizations so as to not negatively impact production, customer satisfaction, and corporate culture? If you're keen to invest in digitalisation but not sure what will work best for your business, Sign up today!
We are excited to announce the launching of our new training centre for Industry 4.0 - ifmnovation centre , in collaboration with ifm, a leading global provider of automation technology solutions and Regaltech Group, a leading provider of smart automation solutions. ifmnovation centre serve as a hub for organization seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in implementing Industry 4.0 technologies.
We understand the growing importance of Industry 4.0 in today's business landscape. We believe that staying ahead in this digital transformation journey is crucial for organizations to remain competitive. We are committed to helping organizations navigate through the complexities of Industry 4.0. Through our collaboration with ifm and Regaltech, we aim to empower businesses to embrace the opportunities presented by this new era of industrial revolution and achieve sustainable growth.
Together, we can unlock the full potential of your talents and Industry 4.0, shape a brighter tomorrow for businesses in Malaysia and beyond.

